Review: QQ Rice, very nice!

"Towards your healthy lifestyle and simply the greatest rice we wish to pamper you with at our outlets today."

Technically speaking, this has nothing to do with baking. But good things are meant to be shared, right?

Today, I decided to get my hands on some QQ Rice. Honestly speaking, when I first saw the shop at Nex, I was a little perplexed at how such a product can take off, I mean it doesn't look very appetising leh. How delicious can it be? So I told myself that I probably won't be eating that anytime soon.

Then when I saw another outlet opening at AMK Hub, now that was what changed my perspective on this seemingly inconspicuous piece of... what exactly is this? Okay, let's call it a rice dumpling. Coupled with the fact that the shop always seems to be bursting with customers (or maybe that's because the shop's too small), I knew I had to give it a try, someday.

So that someday turned out to be today. I walked into the shop at Nex and was immediately engulfed with the smell of... fragrant rice. I looked at the menu, was a little lost at first, then decided to order the mushroom chicken, one of their signature products. Choice of rice: brown rice.

So for $4.40, I got my QQ Rice mushroom chicken in brown rice, along with other fillings, which included carrots, lettuce, burdock and kidney beans.

The verdict? As a fan of the traditional bak zhang, I would say this is a delicious, healthy alternative to that. Though the price may seem a little steep just for rice and some ingredients, it is surprisingly filling! I would definitely go back to try their other offerings. Awesome, another lunch option!

Besides brown rice, other types of rice available are mixed grain, purple rice, wheat germ brown rice and supreme combination rice. You can find QQ Rice at the following places:

Square 2
Jurong Point
Woodlands MRT


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