Of dreams and ambitions...

*wipes the thick layer of dust sitting around the blog -coughs-*

We all have our own dreams and ambitions growing up, but somehow along the way, beliefs changed, life threw you curve balls, and somehow, 20 years later or so, life turned out pretty different from how you had visioned it to be, whether good or bad.

I had many dreams and ambitions growing up. The very first was to be a teacher, which I think was the same for most people since our teachers were the adult role models (besides parents/grandparents, of course) with whom we had the most contact with. I remember playing pretend with neighbours and one of our 'acts' would definitely consist of a classroom scene, with me teaching my 'students'. Alas, as I progressed through school, the challenges and responsibilities that a good teacher had to bear struck me hard. I remembered thinking to myself how I didn't want to walk into a toilet cubicle and see that students had written my name all over the door, alongside cuss words. So yeah, strike one.

Then, I don't know how exactly, but I started to get interested about the solar system. I would often head to the library to borrow books on astronomy, all in a bid to satisfy my curiousity on the vast vacuum and planets that lay millions of light years away from where I was. So yes, my dream this time was to be an astronaut. But of course, it didn't really take flight because, well, this is Singapore leh. Who has ever heard of an astronaut from Singapore, right?

When I got to secondary school, I started to really discover my love for languages. I was good in both Chinese and English, so then I decided I was going to work towards enrolling myself in a Mass Communications course and be a journalist, newscaster or DJ. Yeah, one of those. They say people who take Mass Communications don't really know what they want, perhaps, just maybe, they were right. At least in my case. So while I worked towards that, I gradually got interested in singing as well. So much so that right after my 'O' Levels, I took on a job just so I could have the money to pay for vocal lessons at LWWSOM, and subsequently The Music Clinic and Music Story. So yes, vocal lessons went on for almost 6 years of my life, from my teens to adulthood. While I could carry a tune (*buay paiseh*), the introvert in me really feared the stage and public performances. I was filled with fear each time I had to perform in front of a large crowd, or sing in front of judges and audiences during competitions. But somehow, even though I was scared, I kept going at it, for 6 whole years. Perhaps I was addicted to the adrenaline, or that I really loved to sing, but no matter what, it did build my confidence and allowed me to overcome any fear of public speaking. Though after 6 years, I decided to call it quits and dreams of being a performer slowly started to fade. Nevertheless, my love for music and singing, I think, will forever stay with me.

So while I got into my course of choice, I had also signed on to be a regular in the Singapore Armed Forces. Madness, I know! Especially since I wasn't any bit of an athlete. But it paid well, and I unexpectedly, did well in what I had to do and grew to love the job. Also, it allowed me to meet some of the most wonderful people in my life, one of whom will become my husband, and a few others who have become good/best friends. Alas, a career in the Army wasn't exactly what I wanted, and against everything my heart was telling me to do, I left a good career in the SAF to venture into a job relevant to what I had studied in poly and uni.

After leaving, for a while, I was lost. Days passed, then weeks, and finally months and I was still jobless. Eventually, I got a job in Corporate Communications with a reputable organisation, with which I will only stay for half a year, then move on to another, also doing Corporate Communications.

But you know what, my ultimate dream right now, is to... have my own bakery! A no-brainer right? Considering what my blog is called. If I were in the US, UK or Italy or something, it might've been easier for me to attain this dream of mine. Here in Singapore, however, where, in my opinion, there is an oversupply of bakeries and a higher standard of living, it's tough. I'm still hopeful though.

No matter what, looking back on my life thus far and the many dreams I've had, I think 人因梦想而伟大 (roughly translated: dreams are what make people... great!). So keep dreaming and no matter what or how many curve balls life throws your way, just maintain a positive attitude and you'll be on your way to striking goals each time.


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